Douglas Webster is that rare combination of artist, teacher and administrator. He combines his natural creativity with a talent for communicating ideas and enthusiasm to young people. His keen organizational skills allow him to take his projects all the way to successful fruition. I have had the pleasure of witnessing several productions Douglas produced (as well as performed in) of MASS, a complicated, multifarious theatre piece created by my father, Leonard Bernstein. It is a tribute to Doug's vision, focus and sheer fortitude that he has been able to put this piece together on multiple occasions.
Any organization that had Douglas Webster in its midst would be fortunate indeed. - Jamie Bernstein
Douglas Webster is that rare combination of artist, teacher and administrator. He combines his natural creativity with a talent for communicating ideas and enthusiasm to young people. His keen organizational skills allow him to take his projects all the way to successful fruition. I have had the pleasure of witnessing several productions Douglas produced (as well as performed in) of MASS, a complicated, multifarious theatre piece created by my father, Leonard Bernstein. It is a tribute to Doug's vision, focus and sheer fortitude that he has been able to put this piece together on multiple occasions.
Any organization that had Douglas Webster in its midst would be fortunate indeed. - Jamie Bernstein
Let me preface discussing Doug by saying that I look forward to any opportunity I am given to work with him for many reasons. While I could write pages about him as a solo performer, I'd like to address his additional gift of producing artistic works. I have had the pleasure to perform with Doug in many pieces that he personally produced, most notably the productions of Bernstein's MASS presented at the Vatican City and at Carnegie Hall. Doug is not only just a passionate and accessible artist, but he is a strong leader and manager as well. Doug easily identifies with the aims and vision of an artistic work, and understands the resources and people necessary to make it function well. Establishing standards, communicating, and agreeing with others on performance objectives come naturally to him. Under his direction one feels motivated by his optimism and commitment. In dealing with a group, especially artistic soloists working as one, addressing the needs within the group requires a skilled and effective counselor. Doug is able to identify and utilize each individual's capabilities and strengths to advance the group production without compromising creative freedom. He knows how to motivate a group and provide a collective sense of purpose that energizes the performers, and thereby creates an enjoyable experience for an audience. In professional presentations I have witnessed and benefited from these leadership qualities, and they proved to be equally effective with young adults, which I discovered while working with him at American Singer. I can confidently recommend Doug to you and am happy to provide further information if required. - Yvonne Redman Associate Professor of Voice School of Music University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Doug taught a master class in voice for us at the University of Central Arkansas, while performing the role of Jean Valjean in Les Misérables in an extended run with the Arkansas Repertory Theater. The master class was one of the finest that I have ever attended. Doug was obviously quite knowledgeable regarding stagecraft but also gave much practical pedagogical advice to the young singers with whom he worked. He was generous with his time and very genial in his manner. All of the students with whom he worked improved very quickly. Doug has an ability to develop wonderful rapport with singers in a very short amount of time. He also is able to pinpoint exactly what each singer needs and is able to communicate with each in a very positive and effective manner. He truly has a gift for teaching. I also attended his performance at the Arkansas Repertory Theater and was moved to tears by his fabulous performance; Doug is also a gifted singing actor. He has a zeal for communicating the mastery of his craft to other singers.
In short, I can recommend him to you without reservation. - Martha Antolik, D.M.A. Instructor of Voice (retired) University of Central Arkansas